Market Notebook

by | Jul 23, 2023

Discussion – 

Equity prices, as measured by ticker SPY, and bond prices, as measured by ticker BND, closed higher on the week.

SPY price appears established in an upward trend.

BND price appears to be in an area of consolidation.

Market participant sentiment suggests equity optimism and bond indecision.

Economic indicators within the Market Notebook remain mixed.

Jobless claims are to be watched as a key indicator of a potential recession. Thus far, jobless claims are not indicative of a recession.

A new ETF has recently come to market, TFPN. The fund is the brainchild of Jerry Parker, of whom I am a big fan. Jerry’s investing philosophy is one of pure trend following across a wide selection of instruments with little or no concern for the sharpe ratio of the fund. This should differentiate TFPN from most Commodity Trading Advisor offerings. I feel that Jerry, executing this strategy within an ETF wrapper, is a gift to investors. It will be pretty interesting to track the performance of this fund. You can check Jerry out on Twitter, @rjparkerjr09.

All the best during the week ahead!

Disclaimer: Nothing in this discussion should be considered investment advice. The content of this discussion is strictly my personal opinion and subject to change at a moment’s notice. Investment advice can only be provided to you by your investment professional and not by a general market discussion such as this one. If you wish to speak with an investment advisor, contact us. We can probably help.